A showdown was in the offing.
A bout between a son of a small torn nation and a son of a great one land.
As it neared, seven thousand and more islands trembled while fifty and more States triumphed in advance at the coming event of the clash.
A fist fight of a David and a Goliath! Of island-born "Pac-Man" and mainland-born "The Golden Boy!"
I, too, am a son of islands and seas and I began to do something for a brother -- daily, I prayed; daily Masses, I heard.
On the seventh day, a vision came to me in a dream.
A clean and fresh-faced, a fair and pinkish-skinned, a smiling and chinky-eyed, a focused and faith-oozing Manny Pacquiao!
Seven more days and the fight would begin.
So the fight was on.
And the rest is history -- his story.
Seven and one rounds were more than enough proof.
And a towel fell from the camp of the giant, Oscar De La Hoya!