Monday, August 12, 2024

The theater building dream and the dream realization

On the first day of 2024, I had a dream while I was taking a nap in the afternoon.

In the dream, I saw a building that to me seemed to be a theater made from a grand mountain rock where we -- my brother and I -- had to perform an act that seemed to be acrobatics.

The two of us had to hang on something in the center stage in order to perform.

While I was already hanging and my younger brother followed suit, there were some errors in his place so that I told him to get off first in order to get it fixed.

End of dream.

About one 'o clock at dawn of June 17th, 2024 during my stint as a homeless, street person, sleeping in the sidewalk, I was awakened by the rain and tried to sit to see the time on my cellphone, it was past 1:00 AM. But I had difficulty sitting up and my left arm and hand holding on to something and I kept falling back.I tried to stand up. I was able to stand up by getting hold of a parallel bar nearby. And I could not stand by my left leg. It dawned on me I was having a stroke!

I shouted amidst the deafening sound of the rain, "God, what did You do to me?" and cried.

I tried to go back to my cardboard sleeping mat by falling forward.

I was sleeping alone! And nobody would help me at that time. I took my cellphone and I realized I still had one percent battery! I used that opportunity to immediately chat my nephew about my whereabouts and my predicament.

My nephew took a taxi to fetch and deliver me to my sister's house -- already in the morning! My other sister who is in another country was informed and decided to get me hospitalized. I ended up being admitted to a hospital.

I revealed I have an open wound on my left lower leg which was already infected. So the internal medicine-neurologist assigned to me referred me to a surgeon who at once told me to undergo operation for my open wound to see the extent of the infection and cleanse the wound of the infection.

That was my first experience of being admitted to a hospital and having entered for operation in an operating room!

And while I was ushered into the operating room, I was aghast to see a room being labeled "Theater 1." I was ushered in to "Theater 2." I remembered my dream in the new year of 2024! I realized it was the will of God for me to undergo the procedure. I surrendered my whole life and said, "Thy Will be done, Lord!" When the oxygen was placed to my nostrils, my next remembrance was: I was already in the Recovery Room with other patients.

My surgeon said my infection did not go deeper to affect my bone so he would proceed to have me undergo skin grafting to cover my open wound. But first he had to extract sample of the wound tissue for laboratory test to see if the organism could only be eradicated by antibiotics. Thankfully, the lab test showed the organism was not that bad and could only be eradicated by antibiotics!

The surgeon subjected me for another operation. I had to enter operating room again. And I saw there the "Theater 3" but I was ushered in again to "Theater 2."

My recovery was longer than expected because the surgeon had to put a tube into my mouth (as we always see in the movies and TV soap operas!) because my blood pressure jacked up during the operation.

What about my brother I saw in my dream, who "performed with me in the Theater"?

He was actually my brother who volunteered to be my "caregiver" or "watcher" while in the hospital and even after I was discharged from the hospital.

Days before I succumbed to stroke, I went to see my brother and I learned his rehabilitation was being processed. However, he did not want to undergo rehabilitation again for the third time because for him if someone wants to change he could do it even without the aid of rehabilitation. He had undergone rehabilitation twice but still went back to his vice. I told him to explain the matter to my sister who wanted him to undergo the process once again. He wanted a "self-rehab" by living in a farm, doing piggery and poultry.

And then, something happened to me and he has volunteered to be my caregiver! Until my strength gets better through physical therapy.

My lab tests revealed I am not a diabetic. For the last three months, my blood sugar had been four. This has surprised us in the family because our family history showed we have been diabetics, our blood sugar counts are higher than normal.

Poor blood circulation, my doctor said, was the culprit for my condition -- skin diseases and the darkening of the color of my lower legs. And not diabetes. It could be recalled that I had suffered eczema for 12 years; but after that period, I was healed by itself!

And then, another form of skin disease had appeared this time after several years when my eczema had ended.

Hypertension is in our bloodline as other generational curses have been passed down on us by our ancestors; and I am awaiting the realization of my night dream before when the generational curses are lifted off of me and my bloodline during my sleep.

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