When life is young, joy is simple – mind, innocent;
when life grows up, joy is inhibited; mind, sophisticated;
and when life grows old, wisdom is gained:
life is more beautiful when
simply lived.
Divine Mercy In My Soul; Eucharistic Miracle Experiences; Spirituality of Non-Hypocrisy; Simplicity of Life and Faith; Prophetic Dreams, Visions and Photography
Beautiful, indeed, it is that we discover each other in this journey called life. And the discovery that has taken place between us is divinely ordained. It is a connection between our two souls. It is the Spirit that is alive between us -- the Spirit of God -- that connects us to each other. We are both inspired with each other because we are of the same spirit. We will still be friends even in the beyond.
I was walking one sunrise in the latter part of the year that passed and I was thinking about the No. 7.In the street, a man on a T-shirt was coming to the way of my feet: on his front was a print that seemed to jump out into my spirit.
A print of a logo of a TV network!
A step or two and my eyes landed on an ad of a new year calendar by a printing shop.
And my heart throbbed like it knew what it was all about.
Days before the end of the old year, I saw the grandest rainbow I had seen in my life ever -- wide and vivid, it arched from the sea to a big city.
And on the tenth day of the year just birthed, on the same spot as before, two rainbows appeared: one bigger yet pale; the other, slender yet thick.
And side by side with each other, they curved mightily together!