Tuesday, October 04, 2011

TV networks and rainbows

I was walking one sunrise in the latter part of the year that passed and I was thinking about the No. 7.
In the street, a man on a T-shirt was coming to the way of my feet: on his front was a print that seemed to jump out into my spirit. 
A print of a logo of a TV network! 
A step or two and my eyes landed on an ad of a new year calendar by a printing shop. 
And my heart throbbed like it knew what it was all about. 
Days before the end of the old year, I saw the grandest rainbow I had seen in my life ever -- wide and vivid, it arched from the sea to a big city. 
And on the tenth day of the year just birthed, on the same spot as before, two rainbows appeared: one bigger yet pale; the other, slender yet thick. 
And side by side with each other, they curved mightily together!

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