Thursday, May 31, 2018

Reblogged: The miracle of Corpus Christi

'THE HEART WHERE I WILL SPEAK': The miracle of Corpus Christi: To believe is to see. One young diocesan priest whose way of saying the Masses is one that shows his deep faith in the Holy Eucharist received a miracle in which the Lord Jesus Christ Himself allowed him to "feel" the reality of His Eucharistic Presence. It happened during the Elevation of the Cup of Wine at the Mass he officiated on the Feast of the Corpus Christi in 2009. During the Consecration, the priest raised the Cup with both hands. When it was time to lower the Cup, his left hand let go of the Cup first so that his right hand was to bring It down on the table; but the right hand was still "holding up" the Cup -- for a second or two or more! -- that should the right hand let go of the Cup, the Cup of Wine would have been seen by all present as floating by Itself in mid-air! I had the habit of raising my head to see the chalice being elevated and bring my head down to close my eyes when the chalice is being lowered down on the table; but that instant was different, I could not lower my head as usual. At the time of genuflection, the priest never genuflected as is usually done by priests -- instead, he knelt down on both knees and bowed low to the floor before the table of the Consecrated Bread and Wine. The two of us were the only witness to this particular Eucharistic miracle. My diary entry of December 9, 2008, Tuesday, 3:59 AM, is predictive to this phenomenon, it says, and I quote: "Just this dawn, I dreamed of [a young priest] at the altar table celebrating the mass while I was attending with the people. The chalice containing a single consecrated Host suddenly lifted up in the air by itself before him to his amazement, flew towards me, and poured out the Host into my mouth on its own. I got hold of the chalice, gathered the crumbs inside it, and poured them out into my mouth. While consuming, a young woman approached me and talked to me as if nothing happened. Lord Jesus, I trust in Your Mercy for the meaning of this dream."

[The blogger's note: The said Mass was celebrated on June 14, 2009, Sunday, at 5:00AM, the first Mass on schedule; and preceded by a whole night Eucharistic vigil at San Pedro Cathedral in Davao City, Philippines.]

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