Tuesday, May 11, 2021

The Church is the same yesterday, today and forever

Can a mere creature change the God Who created it?

This question, if changed into a statement, does not follow logic.

The question should be re-written the other way around, for it to extract an affirmative response.

To make sense.

Can a Creator change the character of His creation, His creatures? 


Because He is the Creator -- Omniscient, Omnipresent and Omnipotent.

Whereas, man is merely a created being -- a perfect creation at that yet transgressed by listening to the woman who listened to the lies of the serpent.

Redemption took place and the God-man fellowship is restored.

In spite of this, Man is trying hard to change God!

Man, sadly, is getting out of his right mind.

And becoming ingrate and wanting to lord it over his Creator.

By thinking he is above his Creator.

Wishful thinking.

A by-product of lies being fed into the heart and soul of man.


Man should shut off his ears from the lies of the Enemy of God: Lucifer-turned-Satan, the father and whisperer of lies.

Let man avoid Luciferian (a misnomer since the term refers to the former self of Satan, therefore should be termed "Satanic") ideologies:

Rosicrucianism -- the Illuminati -- Freemasonry -- Masonry -- New Age Spiritualism -- Socialism -- Communism -- Paganism -- Humanism -- Atheism.

Get rid of such infestations.

And get oneself back to his right thinking.

To his logic!

To his senses!

Man cannot change God.

So too can man impossibly change the Church that Christ instituted.

Satan in the flesh, however, has worked tirelessly to change the Church -- from within.

But Mary's heel, as foretold, will soon "crush the head of the serpent."

And the pre-Vatican II discipline of the Church for the past centuries will be restored and observed by the Church of today and forever.

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